Sunday, January 31, 2010

Congrats to VMX script supervisor Eve Butterly!

VMX script supervisor Eve Butterly was pretty much putting on a clinic when she was on our set. We were so excited to found out that with her extensive resume that Eve would work on our little film. Thank you so much Eve! With that said, Eve was asked to be the script supervisor on the new Collin Hanks/Bradley Whitford show Code 58 that that shoots here in Dallas! Wahoo!

From the Dallas Observer:

Shooting started January 26 on Code 58, the FOX series formerly known as Jack and Dan that will star, among others, Colin Hanks and Bradley Whitford. Unlike ABC's The Deep End, which premieres January 21 and turns Dallas into Los Angeles, this one will be very local. As in, per FOX's release this week: "DAN STARK (Bradley Whitford, The West Wing) was once a big-shot Dallas detective." Matter of fact, Code 58 is a Dallas PD dispatch signal for "routine investigation," and producers have been touring DPD HQ in recent weeks to prep for shooting...

To see the rest of the Dallas Observer article you can copy and paste the link below.

Katy Rowe is back in the VMX spotlight!

Katy Rowe plays "Dana" in Virgin Mary Christmas. And our Dana just finished shooting a fantastic photoshoot with Shanda Kerr! Katy was nice enough to give us a sneak preview! Thanks so much Katy! You look fabulous!

Katy's FB fan page:

Friday, January 29, 2010

A little plug for some friends...

I've been meaning to give a shout out to BUTTERSCOTCH star REECE RIOS's latest feature film called TRAVELING that's being shot here in Texas.

TRAVELING is the story of three people who have never really had a family that find that connection on a road trip to Austin. Andrew (Reece Rios) is a man lost; hitchhiking from Phoenix to Austin, he meets Jen (Melissa Odom). On the road herself to drop her niece Kaylee off in Taylor, Texas, Jen offers Andrew a ride. What happens to the three of them on this trip changes each in ways they would never expect.

You can check out my friend writer/director Rachel Gibson Shepperd's production blog to learn more about Reece and her film here:

One last low-res screen cap...

Here's one last low-res screen cap to tide ya over.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seems like VMX star Rebekah Kennedy lives in our spotlight!

We just wanted to congratulate VMX star Rebekah Kennedy on accepting her upcoming role as Natalie in the short film IN ETERNITY!

Here's some info on the film:

Aiden and Alexa – a mid twenties, young married couple - find their lives turned upside down when Aiden is diagnosed with cancer that has gone undetected and is now terminal, giving him only two weeks to live.

While many couples would spend the last two weeks of their lives together trying to cherish every moment, burying the inevitable sadness, Alexa’s grief sparks an anger in her that ironically makes her relationship with Aiden worse than before.

It is only by Aiden’s kind actions toward Alexa, realizing more than her how short his time is, that Alexa can learn how to properly deal with her broken heart and the people around her when tragedy confronts eternity.

You can check out IN ETERNITY's FB page here! Just copy and paste the link (computer having issues with making links tonight).

Here's two quick pics to satisfy your needs today...

DP Ron Gonzalez is back in the VMX spotlight!

Virgin Mary Christmas DP/Co-Producer RON GONZALEZ is back in the VMX spotlight! Ron has TWO projects in the Texas Black Film Festival!

Ron directed, produced, DP'd and edited "The Night We Died" which has been selected to compete for best narrative! VMX crew Andy Lohrenz gaffed it, and Kingslea Bueltel was the 1st AC and was also the assistant editor.

Ron was also the DP on another selection called "Changing."

Congrats Ron!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Composer Chad Cox back in the VMX spotlight!

We're excited that our first rough edit of VMX is done and composer Chad Cox is already starting to work his magic on the score! Chad did an amazing job on BUTTERSCOTCH our previous short.

Head on over to his web site to learn more about this amazingly talent!

Anne has given us some more pics!

Here's a few more pics! Some fantastic crew pics are coming soon!

Jeff Hoferer is back in the VMX spotlight!

Jeff Hoferer a.k.a. Billy Zane's stunt double but equipped with real hair, was Mr. Bates in Virgin Mary Christmas. I'm so proud to call this class act of a guy my friend. As we have mentioned before here at Team VMX - Jeff has a populat web series called Dallywood. They just posted their season finale. Click the link below and check it out! Go back and watch the other episodes if you haven't already. You'll be glad you did!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rough edit almost complete...

We're almost through with the rough edit of VMX. Only the last scene to go. Getting pretty darn giddy.

Here's some more pics for everyone courtest of Anne Fleitas!

Two more...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Playing with Anne's artwork...

Lots of updates!!!

Bart here. I apologize for not updating the blog for the first time since we started this process. I've been sick on and off. Almost back at 100% now.

We are well into the editing phase of VMX! And I have to say if you could only see our smiling faces! The chemistry between all the cast and crew was just amazing. The shots we got. Geez. Speechless.

Anne sent me a whole slew of pics. So each day I will posting more and more. So keep coming back to check in on the blog each day for more!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So basically, you lied to God...

Here's a teaser that still photog Anne Fleitas sent over to wet your appetites. I'm really sick today, so it is all I can do to type this. More to come. This is Evil Mary. Click on the pic to see even more evil up close and personal.

So hopefully this pic will speak a thousand words as to what this project is all about. Love to Anne and to everyone who made this happen. -- Bart :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

And that's a wrap!

So as I finally loaded up my car and left the set last night just after 10:00 PM, I drove home with this sad feeling. These great people that we've been working with to make this thing happen are now gone. Not sure when we will see some of them again. Some sooner than others. You find yourself growing so close to people on the set. New friendships made. Old friendships instantly grow stronger. And everyone was there to make our story come alive. Jason did a great job directing. And as the co-writer it was great to see all the crazy ideas we had come to life each time he said "Action." We promise to keep you posted each step of the way - from pictures from the set, when we will have the cast and crew premiere, when we send it off to festivals, our the feature-length version that the short is based on is coming, and what our amazing cast is up to with their endeavors. Here's a pic that Chris Johnson took of make-up artist Karen Cripe of putting scratch marks on "Tennie's" (Rebekah Kennedy) neck.

XOXOXO Bart :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tech Scouting...

Our DP Ron Gonzalez just finished his tech scouting of our location. Come to find out high school bathrooms aren't really condusive to filming movies. Which is why we will be filming our girl's bathroom scene in the boy's bathroom stalls. Good times.

We scored our Prego belly!

In VMX we have a pregnant teen. And we here at Team VMX of course want to be authentic as possible without having to go as far as to have our actress to shove some lumpy pillow under her shirt. Today we scored our belly! I pick it up at 1:45 today. We even have two we can choose from. But here's a pic of an empathy belly I found on the Net. Ours will be cooler.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

VMX Call Sheets...

Call Sheets were sent out to the Cast and Crew! One step closer. Two days til shoot!

Loves the VMX cast!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well, it pretty much looks like we are almost set to go for Saturday's shoot. Just a few more minor details to cross off our list.

Bring it!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Today we found out some of the extras that wanted to be in our film weren't getting our responses due to e-mails landing in spam. Nice. They were probably thinking we didn't like their headshots or something. But all should be good now. Locked and loaded.

Another busy day here at Team VMX:

- Finalized the script from the changes we made from the table read
- Sent new script over to the actors
- Made a Wal-Mart run for drinks for the shoot
- Finalized who we want to be our "special" Extra actress who has a funny key part (and she was totally excited about it!!!)

Five days til the shoot!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Analyzing our great crop of Extras...

This morning Jason and I started analyzing our great crop of Extra's headshots and where we wanted them for some of the crucial scenes. We have a great looking group!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

VMX still needs 2-3 more EXTRAS!

We could still use just a few more Extras that look like they could be juniors or seniors in high school! Please no, "I'm thirty seven, but I always get carded and all my friends all say I look like a high schooler." We need this to be as authentic as possible!

So if you know someone who has always wanted to see what a movie set is like, be a part of such an amazing cast and crew, help build your resume, then let us know! We need to firm up names.

* IMDB credit!
* Meals will be provided.

Location: A school in Carrollton, TX on Saturday January 16th (NEXT SATURDAY)

Time: TBA - will be close to early morning. Will need to plan on being there all day.

So here's what you do:

Send your name, a pic of yourself, and your age (all Extras MUST be 18 or older) to:

Bring it!!!

Director's shot list now complete...

Jason finished off his shot list and fired it off to our DP Ron Gonzalez and our First Assistant Director Mike Gonzales. Another thing we can cross off our list! For those who don't know much about the movie making process - most movies aren't shot in order. They are shot based on when you can get a certain location a big part of the time.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Random thoughts from yours truly...

So I get up this morning to find an e-mail from Jason talking about another idea he had for a shot for VMX. And of course I type back with my thoughts. Type, type, type. And then that idea sparks another one. And then another. And we get to typing back about this and that. And then the phone calls come. So I tell Jason - this last week loads of ideas are gonna hit us on with this thing. And then it hit me. Because we have so many people who are BELIEVING in Virgin Mary Christmas - we've been able to check so many things off our list of things to do on the pre-pro side (catering numbers are now turned in, we almost have the amount of Extras we need, only a few tiny things we need to focus on from the master prop list) that we are still able to actually focus on the creativity of TELLING THIS STORY. Wow. And in (7) days we will be giving birth to our baby. And here's the kicker. I couldn't have asked for better people to be in the waiting room with us.

A shout out to our own Rebekah Kennedy!

We are here are Team VMX are big supporters of our cast and what they have going on out there in the film, TV, and commercial world. We wanted to give a shout out to our own Rebekah Kennedy who plays TENNIE in Virgin Mary Christmas. Her film "De Lune" was directed by Christopher Whalen with the Art Institute in Dallas(2009). The trailer is NOW available! So check it out! We love you Rebekah!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Casting Call: VMX needs a few more EXTRAS!

Thanks so much to everyone who has put out the word that we need some Extras to play students. The support from everyone (as always) as been amazing. We could still use just a few more Extras that look like they could be juniors or seniors in high school! Please no, "I'm thirty seven, but I always get carded and all my friends all say I look like a high schooler." We need this to be as authentic as possible!

So if you know someone who has always wanted to see what a movie set is like and be a part of such an amazing cast and crew, then let us know! We need to firm up names. Meals will be provided.

Location: A school in Carrollton, TX

Time: TBA - will be close to early morning. Will need to plan on being there all day.

So here's what you do:

Send your name, a pic of yourself, and your age (all Extras MUST be 18 or older) to:

Bring it!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Script Read-Thru details...

So we had our script read-thru on Tuesday and I promised some more details for those who didn't know what went on at these kinds of things. So here ya go!

We had some great laughs! This was such a good time. I really didn't want to leave. We (being our two leading ladies Cherami Leigh and Katy Rowe, Casting Assistant Matt Moore, Artwork/Photog/Wardrobe Anne Fleitas, Jason, and myself) read through the script, cleaned up a few tiny things of dialgoue, analzyed the character's motivations in each scene, talked about the overall direction of the film, and ate some tasty grub. Plus, finalized the wardrobe - mainly Cherami's plethora of good options in her suitcase purse (biggest purse I have ever seen)! Sadly, our "Tennie," Rebekah Kennedy, couldn't join us because she was pretty much throwing up on people and stuff. So we told her to stay home. But she was missed dearly. And our DP Ron Gonzalez was pretty sick too - because he had been sick in bed for like five days or something.

So here's some pics that Anne took. Sadly, since she was taking the pictures she didn't get in them. :(

God, I so love our Team.



Last week VMX did a spotlight on Which Wich? who are supporters of the arts and friends of ours. And in that spotlight we talked about Gari Gonzalez who introduced us to Jeff and Courtney Sinelli from Which Which? Gari and her husband Rick were also Extras in our last film BUTTERSCOTCH.

Today we just have to do a VMX spotlight on the greatness of Gari and Rick Gonzalez. This morning we found out that they personally would like to also help feed our amazing cast with breakfast on the day of our shoot! I! Who does this!?! We'll tell you: Gari and Rick. On Butterscotch they were the last Extras to leave making sure we got all the shots we needed. They even helped move things for us. Thank you guys soo0o0o0o0o much for believing in our writing and what we do. We are so blessed.

Here's some pics of Gari and Rick. One of them was taken on Rick's cell phone on the set of Butterscotch

Gari and Rick...once again such the MVPs.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Casting Call: VMX needs (15) EXTRAS!

VMX needs (15) EXTRAS that look like they could be juniors or seniors in high school! Please no, "I'm thirty seven, but I always get carded and all my friends all say I look like a high schooler." We need this to be as authentic as possible!

So if you know someone who has always wanted to see what a movie set is like and be a part of such an amazing cast and crew, then let us know! We need to firm up names. First come, first serve. Meals will be provided.

Location: A school in Carrollton, TX

Time: TBA - will be close to early morning. Will need to plan on being there all day.

So here's what you do:

Send your name, a pic of yourself, and your age (all Extras MUST be 18 or older) to:

Bring it!!!


12 days. I wish we could could speed up time. This thing is consuming my every thought.

Things we can check off the list:

- Wardrobe finalized
- Script read-thru with actors
- Script finalized
- Master Prop List identified

Things left to do:

- Finalize crew
- Start enlisting Extras to play students
- Gather the items we need for the prop list
- Finalize the catering numbers for Which Wich?
- Making grocery list for breakfast for the cast and crew

Gotta love pre-pro!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

VMX Crew Spotlight: Sound Supervisor/Sound Designer David Rosenblad

So I get home from a great script read-thru (more on that on a different blog post that will be coming up soon) and I get a message from Sound Supervisor, Editor, Designer master David Rosenblad that he is on board Team VMX!!! I mean could our night have gotten any better?!? Do you know who David Rosenblad is??? This is a guy who has worked with rock legends such as Cheap Trick and Stevie Ray Vaughn. Pretty much did every Jon Keeyes film. Mega hit TV shows like Quantum Leap and Northern Exposure. Movies like Wyatt Earp, The Mighty Ducks, and City Slickers. Should I go on??? Indeed I shall. We were introduced to David by Jon Keeyes when we did Butterscotch. We had such a great time in his studio.

Check out David's amazing bio:

Sound designer, composer, guitarist, mixer & music producer (and company president) David Rosenblad has spent the last twenty-odd years in almost every aspect of the sound and music industry, hence the slogan (company subtitle): “for anything that’s heard”.   Coming out of the Electronic Music Department of the University of North Texas, he embarked on a career as a recording and concert live engineer and producer as well as a sound designer for the theater earning the Kennedy Center/American College Theatre award for Sound Design in 1984.  He has also won numerous Telly Awards.

David was the primary post sound editor/mixer at Dallas Sound Lab for many years ,then formed the company DRM Productions  in  1989 (incorporating in 2000) continuing to produce and mix  for recording artists as varied as Herbie Mann, Café Noir, Larry Austin, Freddy Fender, The Vocal Majority, Everclear, Josh Alan, Pop Poppins, Cheap Trick, Cornell Dupree, Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Flaming Lips, Maynard Ferguson, Brave Combo, and Barney the Dinosaur, while developing work in all aspects of post audio, sound design and music creation.

Here's some places on the Net where you can find out more about David:

DRM sir reel sound:



David - you RAWK our whirl!

Script read-thru!

We have the big script read-thru with the cast later today! Very exciting!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

VMX Crew Spotlight: Anne Fleitas

The amazing Anne Fleitas...

Anne came into our lives last year when Director Jon Keeyes saw her portfolio and liked it so much that we asked her to come on board for still photography on BUTTERSCOTCH. We were so impressed that when we were gearing up for VMX there was no question that we wanted her back. But this time we were going to make her in charge of the entire ART DIRECTION of the film! AND...head up WARDROBE with Kristen Smith. AND...assist with CASTING. AND...of course STILL PHOTOGRAPHY. When you have a true multi-talented artist like Anne - we pretty muched decided we would utilize every bit she was willing to give us.

Here's the quick run-down on Anne:

Anne works in graphic design for the fashion industry, as well as photography(portrait, your stills, and corporate photography).

Here's a look at some of her work from the VMX poster, to Butterscotch stills, to other models.

Anne...we appreciate letting us consume your life. Kisses.

Here's some links where you can find more of Anne's work:


Butterscotch FB page with loads of pics:


13 days until the shoot...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A little word about our sponsor...

Which Wich? - our lovely VMX sponsor, is having a cool opp for their Texas stores. They are offering their wiches for $0.99 on Wednesday, Jan 6th (all day,but only in Texas). If you haven't tried one, now's definitely the time.

Wardrobe officially out to the leading ladies...

We have a fine Wardrobe department over here at Team VMX that consists of the lovely and the talented Anne Fleitas and Kristen Nelson. They know this script. They know these characters. But more importantly...they know their clothes. They officially sent out their ideas to our leading ladies with links to websites, fashion magazines, and that sorta thing. Thanks Anne and Kristen. Cross another thing off our list.


14 days...

VMX Crew Spotlight: Production Manager/Co-Producer Mike Gonzales

We literally met Mike Gonzales for the first time when he showed up on the set of BUTTERSCOTCH to be a PA (Production Assistant). We shook hands, and within moments Director Jon Keeyes was calling out "Action." And to see Mike Gonzlaes in action was enough for us to ask him to be our production manager/co-proudcer on Virgin Mary Christmas!

Mike Gonzales started in the film industry in 2007 working as assistant to Mr. Zeihl on the feature Exit Speed starring Desmond Harrington (Dexter, Wrong Turn), Lea Thompson (Back to the Future franschise), and Fred Ward (Road Trip, The Right Stuff, Armored). From then on he has worked as a PA on multiple Indie films in Texas and has been climbing his way up the AD (Assistant Director) ladder. One day Mike hopes to direct and produce more Indie films in Texas.

Here's a look at Mike's resume:

- The upcoming EX-TERMINATORS starring Heather Graham (The Hangover, Boogie Nights), Amber Heard (Pineapple Express, Zombieland, Never Back Down), Joey Lauren Adams (Mall Rats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back), Farah White (Jon Keeyes’ Suburban Nightmare, Miss Congeniality, Bandslam)

- The upcoming feature CARRIED AWAY written and directed by Tom Huckabee (exec. Produced Frailty with Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe, and DP Ron Gonzalez

- THE BEACON starring Teri Polo (Meet the Parents)

- And numerous other projects such as music videos, Television shows, and more...

Here's some places on the NET where you can find out more about Big Mike:

Carried Away:

The EX-Terminators movie trailer:

Offical site for Exit Speed and The Beacon:



Mike - we can't wait to see you in action on VMX!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

VMX Crew Spotlight: Make-Up Artist Karen Cripe

Whether it's a fashion show, music video, TV commercial, feature film, or a short film, there is one name in this town that is the go to person if you want your models, stars, or actors to look like a bazillion dollars under those lights: KAREN CRIPE! We had the pleasure of working with Karen on our last project BUTTERSCOTCH. You can imagine how excited we got when Karen signed on to Virgin Mary Christmas!

If you don't know Karen's resume, well, we have no problem giving it ya!

Karen is a freelance media makeup artist and cosmetic designer her experience in the beauty industry includes working with top Hollywood makeup artist , broadcasting, record label, music videos, and celebrity clientele. Pro blender and formulator includes high fashion glamour, aging makeup, lacerations, bruises, and facial hair. Collaboration with industry professionals and proven artistic ability to bring out the characterization on film and video. In depth knowledge of color analysis, history of color, lighting, wardrobe, and demanding needs of high exposure HD media clients.

Some of Karen's projects include:

- REACH FOR THE SKY directed by 3-time Oscar winner Alan Chan (Rebekah Kennedy from VMX was in this!!!)

- BUTTERSCOTCH directed by Academy Award finalist Jon Keeyes

- DIRTY RED directed by M. Legend Brown

- Several features and short films, TV commercials, fashion shows, music videos, and more.

You can go to these places on the web to find out more about her work:

Karen's web site:


Karen - we can't thank you enough and we're looking forward to seeing you on set January 16th!!!


15 days til shoot...

Friday, January 1, 2010

VMX Crew Spotlight: DP Ron Gonzalez

I never get tired of telling this Ron Gonzalez story. Because it is a story you can NEVER forget. WE can NEVER forget. We will always be in debt to this amazing person for being a class-act, a true talent, and a good friend.

Back when we were getting ready to shoot our last short film BUTTERSCOTCH in March of 2009, Scotch director Jon Keeyes knew he always wanted to work with DP Ron Gonzalez and vice versa. And once again we can thank Scotch actor REECE RIOS who had worked with both Keeyes and Gonzalez before for setting this u). And so we locked it in. Got the locations, catering, actor's schedules, and everything else locked and loaded. But then Ron got the call to work on a month long plus feature film called CARRIED AWAY in the middle of the Arizona Desert. So in order for him to make it to Dallas in time to shoot our Scotch he would have to skip his two days off and he and his crew would have to pull an 18 hour all-nighter driving back to Dallas from the desert for a 7 AM call time with all their gear. Then two days later he and his crew would have to turn right back around and make the drive back to the desert to pick up where they left off on Carried Away. I mean, who does that?!? Ron Gonzalez and his amazing crew. So when it came time to look for a DP for Virgin Mary Christmas of course you know who we called. And not only did we want Ron as a DP, we wanted him to help produce the film.

So for those who don't know what what a DP (Director of Photography) is:

Plans, directs, and coordinates motion picture filming: Confers with DIRECTOR, regarding interpretation of scene and desired effects. Observes set or location and reviews drawings and other information relating to natural or artificial conditions to determine filming and lighting requirements. Reads charts and computes ratios to determine required lighting, film, shutter angles, filter factors, camera distance, depth of field and focus, angles of view, and other variables to produce desired effects. Confers with the ELECTRICIAN to establish lighting requirements. Selects cameras, accessories, equipment, and film stock, utilizing knowledge of filming techniques, filming requirements, and computations. Instructs camera operators regarding camera setup, angles, distances, movement, and other variables and signals cues for starting and stopping filming. Surveys set or location for potential problems, observes effects of lighting, measures lighting levels, and coordinates necessary changes prior to filming.

Ron Gonzalez does it all: He's a cinematographer, editor, director, photographer, and he even acts! There's no stopping this guy. His career is growing so fast where his specializes in the latest cutting edge technology of the Red Camera where only a few have been before (Peter Jackson, Steven Soderbergh). Just look at some of his credits:

- The upcoming feature RISING STARS starring Barry Corbin (No Country for Old Men, Northern Exposure, One Tree Hill)

- The upcoming feature CARRIED AWAY written and directed by Tom Huckabee (exec. Produced Frailty with Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe)

- In 2008 Ron and his team won the prestigious Telly Award (and numerous festivals) for the documentary A JOURNEY TO IRAQ

- BUTTERSCOTCH directed by Academy Award Finalist Jon Keeyes (produced over six feature films for HBO, MGM, WB, more)


- The big festival hit THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE (Starring Butterscotch’s Arianne Martin)

- Loads more...

Here's some places on the Net where you can learn more about Ron Gonzalez:

Journey to Iraq:

Carried Away:


The Other Side of Paradise:

Ron's Production Company - Deadmen Productions:


Ron - we can wait to make this amazing movie with you!!!